What Is Skin Redness?

Skin comes in all shapes, sizes, colors, and skin types. Some people have oily skin, some have dry skin, and others have combinations of the two. Depending on how your body is working at the moment, your skin can experience a number of conditions. For instance, you may experience acne, dryness, irritation, and allergic reactions. One symptom these conditions have in common is skin redness.

Whether you experience skin redness on a regular basis or only every once in a while, it can be frustrating to manage and can throw off your confidence. It can also be difficult to pinpoint the cause of your skin redness and find a skincare product that’s gentle enough not to make your skin more irritated while still addressing the underlying problem.

But don’t worry—that’s why we made this guide! Here’s everything you need to know about skin redness, what might be causing it, and how to address the underlying problems and neutralize redness for flawless-looking skin, so you can feel like the best version of you.

Causes of Skin Redness

There are a variety of reasons why you may be experiencing skin redness. Here are a few of the most common causes behind redness.

Redness from Dryness

If you experience dry skin frequently or with the seasons, you likely notice skin redness along with it. While dry skin is common and can be frustrating, it typically isn’t a serious skin condition and can be fixed with a simple hydrating product, so you’re in luck.

Sometimes the weather can cause dryness. For example, dry weather can lead to dry skin, and cold weather can make skin dry and even cracked or chapped. If you sit too long in hot water, your skin can become dry and irritated as well. Some products can also lead to dry skin, like harsh cleansers, certain chemicals, drying alcohols, and some detergents. Improper use of skincare products and serums can also irritate skin and lead to dryness and redness. That sounds like a lot of potential causes, but once you figure out a routine that works for you, it should be no problem. 

If you experience tight skin, roughness, pain and sensitivity, ashy skin, flaky skin, cracks in your skin, increased appearance of fine lines, peeling skin, or skin that hurts after showering or swimming, you may have dry skin. Dry skin is also almost always accompanied by skin redness, so it’s time for a little TLC for the skin you’re in.

Redness from Acne

One of the most common causes of skin redness is acne, which affects around 50 million Americans. When we say that we’ve all been these, we really do mean it—you’re not alone! There are a variety of factors that cause acne and a variety of ways acne presents itself. Let’s break down some common causes below.


Our bodies use sebaceous glands to naturally produce an oil known as sebum. This oil is important for hydrating the skin but can result in clogged pores and acne when produced in excess.

Clogged Pores

Another common cause of acne is clogged pores. If you don’t wash your face regularly or forget to remove products from your face, your pores can become clogged with dirt and oil and lead to breakouts. 

Hair follicles or pores can become clogged with oil, makeup products, or even dead skin cells. Bacteria can also lead to acne on areas of the face like the forehead, chin, and cheeks, or the rest of the body. When pores get clogged, acne can arise if germs can infect the open pore. Luckily, the right skincare routine should be able to help reduce the chances of this occurring


Hormonal changes and imbalances can also sometimes lead to acne, and we’re not just talking about your teen years. There are certain hormones our bodies produce during puberty that increase the production of sebum. Depending on internal and external factors, these hormones can increase and help to balance the levels of sebum even leading into adulthood.

Sometimes our bodies will signal for increased sebum if our skin is dry too. These hormonal changes can occur at puberty and in later life and can lead to breakouts, acne, and skin redness.


Another common cause of acne is stress. The hormone responsible for the stress response in the body is known as cortisol. Cortisol levels are responsible for regulating and altering a variety of bodily functions, such as the fight or flight response. Among these are breakouts as well. Of course, we all wish that we had less stress, but that’s much easier said than done. 

It’s important to note here that stress won’t cause acne by itself. However, it can worsen breakouts that are already beginning or worsen a skin condition, contributing to acne, breakouts, and facial redness. So take a step back, drink a calming cup of tea or do something you love, and take some time for yourself. 

Diet—Or Not

You’ve probably been told at some point in your life that eating chocolate, drinking soda, or eating greasy foods will lead to acne and breakouts. How many times have you avoided that bag of chips for the sake of flawless skin?

However, we’re here to bust this myth. These foods don’t cause acne, so you can feel free to indulge every once in a while. There’s no real scientific evidence to back up these claims or associate acne with chocolate or grease. 

Other Common Causes of Skin Redness

While skin redness is typically found with the causes above, you may also experience it due to sunburn, chemical burns, heat burns, reactions to allergens, shingles, and skin rashes like poison ivy, and more. However, no matter what the cause of your skin redness, there are skincare products that can help soothe skin, support skin health, and neutralize redness to even out skin tone.

How to Get Rid of Skin Redness

The first step to getting rid of skin redness is identifying what the cause of your skin redness is in the first place. The symptoms and characteristics above will give you a good idea of the most common reasons you may be experiencing skin redness, so you’ll know what your next steps are.

After you know what’s causing your skin redness, it’s time to combat it with a few home remedies. The first way you can treat skin redness is with lifestyle changes to address the underlying skin condition. Luckily, we’ve got a simple, more immediate solution for you, so you can wave your concerns about skin redness goodbye while simultaneously treating the underlying causes. 

Color Correcting

Here at Journ, we’re passionate about providing you with the relief you want without any harsh treatments, side effects, or chemicals. That’s why we made our color correcting skincare. These products are gentle on the skin and simple to use. Plus, they’re for all skin types and will work to correct redness on your skin while also addressing the underlying causes of that redness.

Here are two of our color correcting skincare products that will help neutralize redness, even skin tone, and hydrate skin for a bright, flawless look.


If you experience skin redness from dryness and irritation, our Dew color corrector hydrates skin while helping protect, soothe, and reduce the appearance of redness from dryness and irritation when used over a period of time. This product is easy to apply and is for all skin tones and types!

Ingredients: We’ve formulated Dew with three main ingredients that give it the powerful color correcting and soothing properties it’s known for.

Eucalyptus: Eucalyptus contains flavonoids, which are known for their calming abilities. Eucalyptus also helps reduce irritation and the appearance of red patches on the skin.

Jasmine: Jasmine contains linalool which has anti-inflammatory properties and hydrating properties that also help rejuvenate skin and protect sensitive or irritated skin from becoming more sensitive.

Neem: Neem is rich in fatty acids, triglycerides, and Vitamin E to soothe skin, nourish it, and support skin’s elasticity.

How to Use

To use Dew, clean your skin and use one of your favorite moisturizers. Next, place a seed-sized amount on the back of your hand and warm it with your finger. Pat on the desired area of your skin until you get the coverage you want. If you need more, repeat the process. 


Our Matcha is another excellent way to color correct redness from acne and acne scars. This color corrector works by helping dry out unwanted spots, regulating the production of sebum, and minimizing the appearance of pores and acne scars when used over time.

Ingredients: Here are the ingredients we included in our Matcha formula!

Hibiscus: Hibiscus contains alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) that help regulate breakouts and the balance of sebum, while also minimizing the appearance of pores. If you experience redness from acne, this ingredient is powerful in helping address the underlying causes.

Seaweed: Seaweed is a powerful ingredient in our Matcha product as it contains Vitamins A, B, and C that help reduce the appearance of redness and acne scars.

Matcha: And lastly, our Matcha contains—well, Matcha! Matcha has the soothing properties of caffeine as well as Vitamins A and C, which help dry out spots.

How to Use

To use our Matcha, simply apply a seed-sized amount on the back of your hand and warm it with your finger. Apply to clean skin wherever you want to eliminate redness and even out your skin tone.

Dealing With Skin Redness

Redness can be frustrating to deal with and seem impossible to get rid of. Whether you have redness from acne and dry skin, it can be easy to feel defeated. But with our Dew and Matcha color correctors, you can neutralize redness while addressing the underlying causes!

If you aren’t sure what skin concerns you have or which products might be right for you, don’t sweat it! Our skincare quiz can help you identify what your skin is like and which products will enhance your natural beauty the best.


Dry skin - Symptoms and causes | Mayo Clinic

Skin conditions by the numbers | AAD

Acne - Symptoms and causes | Mayo Clinic