How to Design a Minimalist Skin Care Routine

We’ve all seen that friend (or been the friend—there’s no shame!) with dozens of skincare and beauty products in their drawers. While there’s nothing wrong with having options, the truth is that it can be difficult to incorporate every product you have. Like food, beauty products have expiration dates too which can be difficult to stay on top of. It can also take a lot of time and effort to stick with a complicated skin care and makeup routine. Sometimes simplicity and minimalism is a more practical way to live.

The trend of minimalism is increasing in popularity each year. Everywhere you look, you can find minimalist interior design, closets, clothing, and other areas of life that are improved by practicing minimalism. If you haven’t hopped on the trend yet, you still probably appreciate the concept—who doesn’t want to simplify their life?

Here at Journ, we’re passionate about keeping things simple; our ethos is simplification of everyday routines. After all, you could learn a twenty-step skincare routine and execute it every morning and night, or you could spend that time catching some extra Zzzs, spending time with family, or doing something you love. You and your skin will appreciate keeping things simple. If minimalism seems difficult to achieve, don’t worry.

This guide has everything you need to know about designing your own minimalist skincare routine while still enhancing your natural beauty and nourishing your skin.

Why Go Minimalist?

Minimalism is more than just a popular trend that keeps things uncluttered and aesthetic. Minimalism helps you get rid of all the things in your home, drawers, closet, and life that you don’t necessarily need. Minimalism is a way to simplify life. If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by the sheer number of things you have or how complicated some routines seem to be, then you may want to consider going minimalist.

Practicing minimalism has a range of benefits, from mental and physical health. It even helps take care of the environment as only having what you absolutely need reduces excess waste. It can also help support mindfulness, freedom, and simplicity in your life.

Even choosing one area of life to practice minimalism in can positively impact the other aspects of life as well. Minimalist skincare is one of the best areas to practice simplicity and cutting out things you don’t need saving you time and money! The truth is, your skin probably doesn’t need twenty different skincare and makeup products to nourish it and enhance your natural beauty. Minimizing your skincare routine can help simplify your routines and make the morning and night more enjoyable—and your skin will look fabulous.

The Lowdown on Minimalist Skincare 

Now that we’ve gone over the benefits of minimalist skincare, you’re probably wondering how you can design a minimalist skincare routine for yourself. One of the most important principles to keep in mind is to find products that perform multiple jobs in one. For instance, find skincare products that double as makeup products.

You can also find products with SPF and moisturizing qualities, so you won’t need multiple  separate products. Multi-use products are the key to perfecting a minimalist skincare routine! Depending on your specific skin concerns, you may want to look for different multi-use products.

Multi-Use Skincare for Your Skin Concerns

At Journ, our products have multiple uses—they’re skincare products containing active ingredients clinically tested to show results while also doubling as makeup. Our color correctors are not only hydrating, nourishing, protective, and powerful in addressing the underlying causes of skin conditions, but they also color correct and take the place of concealer in your makeup drawer.

No two people have exactly the same skin. You may have dry skin, oily skin, or a combination of these two characteristics. Depending on your skin type and how your body is working, you can have different skin concerns. If you’re not sure what your skin type is or what concerns you should be addressing, take our skincare quiz! This will help you get an idea of what concerns you want to address and which products you need.

Let’s take a look at which multi-use skincare products are right for your skin concerns!

Dry and Irritated Skin

If your skin concerns are dryness and irritation, you’ll want to find products that hydrate, nourish, and soothe dry skin while also acting as a replacement for concealer.

Consider using our Dew color corrector. It not only helps neutralize and reduce redness from dry skin and irritation, but it also offers hydration and soothes skin. With Eucalyptus, Jasmine, and Neem, this color corrector contains essential fatty acids, vitamin E, Flavonoids, and soothing properties of linalool that support skin health.

You can use this color corrector in place of a normal concealer to simplify your makeup routine, as well as use it as a skincare product. This will help you clean out your makeup drawer as you won’t need a separate moisturizer, a concealer, and a color corrector!


If your skin concerns involve blemishes, acne scars, and breakouts, finding a product that can hide blemishes and neutralize skin tone while also addressing the underlying causes of acne is key. Our Matcha color corrector cancels out acne and blemishes with its green color, while also balancing the production of sebum, drying out spots, and minimizing the appearance of pores and blemishes scars over time.

Our Matcha formula contains Hibiscus, Seaweed, and Matcha. It’s rich in Alpha hydroxy acids, or AHAs, as well as Vitamins A, B, and C, and the soothing properties of caffeine that help rejuvenate skin and reduce the appearance of acne. Using Dew and Matcha are great ways to do makeup and skincare in one go!

Hyperpigmentation and Dark Circles

At Journ, we know hyperpigmentation and dark circles are common skin concerns. That’s why we made products that address the underlying causes of these and act as skincare products while helping neutralize skin tone in the process. 

If you have a light to medium skin tone, consider using our Kauai color corrector. This product doubles as skincare and can be used to replace concealer in your makeup routine. It helps minimize the appearance of dark circles, dark spots, blemish scars, and hyperpigmentation, while also addressing the underlying problem and supporting skin health.

It does this thanks to its main ingredients: White Lily, Kukui Nut, and Noni. These are rich in antioxidants, vitamins A, C, B3, and E, linoleic acid, and hydrating properties that help rejuvenate skin and reduce the appearance of scarring and spots.

If you have medium to deep skin tones, try our Marrakech color corrector! Made with Sweet Almond, Carrot Seed, and Rose, this formula is packed with essential fatty acids, Beta-Carotene, and vitamins A, B3, C, and E to help support elasticity and soothe skin.

Skincare and Makeup Together

No matter which skin concerns you have, using makeup products that also act as skincare products is an excellent way to design your own minimalist skincare routine and use only what you need!

Tips for Designing your Minimalist Skincare Routine

We know minimalism can seem intimidating from the outside, so here are some tips and tricks for designing your own minimalist skincare routine from scratch. The first tip is to cut yourself some slack! Minimalism isn’t something people do overnight. You don’t have to throw away all of your stuff (perhaps only the products sitting in your drawers for years!). Instead, set goals for yourself and go slowly!

Another tip that will make designing your own minimalist routine easier is to find multi-use products. The whole point of minimalist skincare is to use the least amount of skincare and makeup products possible. This not only means finding multi-use products that do two jobs at once, but also getting rid of products you don’t need or don’t use.

Narrow down which makeup tools you use and choose just a few to keep around and continue using. For instance, if you have a lot of makeup brushes, sponges, beauty blenders, and application tools, consider which ones you actually use regularly. Narrow down which tools you need, and only use these.

If you really want to get rid of all unnecessary tools, try applying your makeup with your fingers! Wash your hands and use your fingers and hands to pat color corrector on your skin, smooth skincare and makeup on your face with just your fingertips.


While designing a minimalist skincare routine can be a challenge at first, it’s rewarding once you get the hang of it. You’ll have more time and energy to spend on the things you love without worrying about a complicated routine. Minimalism in your skincare will help you enjoy more freedom, simplicity, and beauty!


The environmental benefits of minimalism | The Boar 

Dry skin - Symptoms and causes | Mayo Clinic

Skin Type & Skin Care | Cleveland Clinic